Sunday, August 10, 2014

Third time is the charm?

Alright, time for our rundown of Agency C. The day we went to learn about Agency C, I was pretty pumped. Not only was it located where my grandparents used to live, but I heard tons of awesome reviews from other people who have used them in the past. I'm a big believer in signs, and the fact that my grandparents’ old condo was minutes away from the Agency was a very good sign. I was also happy to see that this meeting was another PowerPoint filled lecture, but rather a one-on-one sit down with two social workers for us go get to know them and vice versa. I'm still a little awkward, but at least I wouldn't feel intimidated by other people at this meeting. 

The meeting itself took about an hour, and B and I got to ask some of our burning questions, face to face. It was awesome; we were able to form a connection with agency workers that we just didn't get at any of the other places. The biggest plus was the individualized attention we would be getting from this agency. Since they are smaller, they really work almost one on one with adoptive parents (huge plus people). The downside is the wait time, which is up to three years, but that does give B and I time to get ourselves in order while going through the process. The best part about the agency was that it focused on us. Again, birth parents are the key to adoption, but adoptive parents are going to be raising the child that is given to them, so we are important to. Agency C made us feel like we were just as important in the process as the birth parents, and that our fears and needs were just as valid as everyone else's. 

We also got the most information from Agency C. We got what I feel is the equivalent of a textbook of papers to look over. In the papers is a form for fingerprinting, background checks, and preference papers, which we will be discussing in future posts, and really bring out some interesting conversations. Those conversations and papers were so helpful though, it gave us a chance to understand the process deeper, and understand our hopes and ourselves more completely. 

It may sound trivial, but looking for agencies is a lot like looking for a college, you have to know which one fits you. I don't know about any of you, but when I found my college, I had a gut feeling that it was where I was meant to be. I had that at Agency C, we still have one more agency to look at though, so I'm not calling it quits just yet, but there is hope! Stay tuned for our fourth and final agency visit. 

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